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“Digital Workplace”, a concept in vogue

“Digital Workplace”, a concept in vogue

Mobility, teleworking, digitisation of processes, the world of work is changing rapidly and the business IT environment has changed a lot in recent years. Today, more and more companies want to set up a digital work environment that is easily accessible to all employees. In this context of digital transformation, a new concept is emerging, the “Digital Workplace”. It refers to an environment that unifies all the digital technologies used by the company: mailboxes, instant messaging, social networks, professional applications, and video conferencing software. By centralising information, business applications and collaborative tools, the Digital Workplace offers a dynamic and innovative working environment.


The Digital Workplace, a new digital environment


The term “digital workplace” translates into “digital workspace”. It is a secure, cloud-based, connected environment from which all employees of a company can access their documents and reach their colleagues to work efficiently on a daily basis. Just as if they were on the company premises.

digital workplace concept

A true digital office, the Digital Workplace allows each employee of a company to access at any time on any support (laptop, tablet and mobile phone) and wherever they are, their documents, whether individual or collaborative, and all their tools: their agenda, their instant messaging, their corporate social network, their task management tool, their meeting tools, their mailbox and any other application.

By unifying all of the company’s communication tools (email, instant messaging, corporate social networks) as well as its document management (work information, digital documents, collaborative workspaces) and more specific business applications, employees can carry out their tasks, manage their schedules, communicate and collaborate with their team, partners, suppliers and even customers.

Previously, employees had to juggle between different tools and applications. Now, thanks to the Digital Workplace, they are all centralised and interconnected on a single platform, allowing employees to save time and collaborate in an efficient and innovative way.

As teleworking becomes more common in companies, working and collaborating from anywhere becomes crucial. This makes the digital workplace concept an essential tool to facilitate remote working.


The benefits of the Digital Workplace Concept


The Digital Workplace has many advantages, which is why its implementation is a real opportunity for companies.


A collaborative workspace

digital workplace concept

Today, work patterns are changing, new tools are emerging and employees’ expectations have changed. Between telecommuting, regular travel and teams working from different locations, working together needs to be well organised.

The digital workplace fosters collaboration by providing a common virtual workspace that everyone can connect to, no matter where they are. Now the working environment is mobile, connected and instantly accessible.

By centralising data, sharing documents and interacting in real time, the digital workplace provides a working environment that optimises collaboration and teamwork between everyone in the company. Employees can work together, even from a distance. This simplifies teamwork, monitoring of projects and tasks completed or remaining, mutual support and sharing of skills.

This collaborative aspect gives rise to a notion of collective intelligence within the company; employees move forward together and take advantage of each other’s expertise to advance their projects efficiently and solve problems more easily. Internal collaboration is thus multiplied.


The Digital Workplace brings productivity

Instant messaging, mailbox, video conferencing, task manager, shared calendar, notes,… Today, the number of applications that are useful in everyday life is constantly increasing. Although they are supposed to improve productivity, juggling from one tool to another can quickly become time consuming.

By centralising all the tools and applications necessary for the smooth running of the company, the Digital Workplace allows quick and easy access to information, facilitates internal exchanges and simplifies knowledge sharing while relieving the clutter of email boxes.

Thanks to this flexibility, employees are able to react more quickly to demand, and ultimately, to be more productive by refocusing on tasks that add more value to the company.


Transforming the employee experience

Today’s employees are demanding. They are increasingly looking for dynamic, flexible and innovative work environments that promote their well-being as well as their productivity.

Thanks to the Digital Workplace, the employee experience is improved. It is becoming completely digitalized and favours flexibility and mobility. The tools are more intelligent, information is easily accessible and communication is simplified. Thus, each employee can work anywhere and at any time, as long as they have access to the Internet.

The company thus ensures a better continuity of its activity, and the employee benefits from a qualitative work environment allowing him to reconcile his private and professional life.

Digital Workplace

The increasing use of teleworking and digital technology is transforming the way companies work. They need to move to an employee-centric ‘anywhere, anytime, any device’ business model, without compromising compliance and security. This is why the Digital Workplace is a real opportunity for businesses. Indeed, implementing a Digital Workplace means offering a new working environment to its employees and contributing to the digital transformation of its company. By unifying the technologies used, the digital workplace centralises all of its means of communication, transforms the employee experience, and promotes efficiency and collaborative innovation.



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