Digitalization: a movement accelerated by the pandemic
Digitalization: a movement accelerated by the pandemic
The digitalization of companies is more than ever on the march! The current pandemic context has abruptly and unexpectedly transformed the way companies operate. They must now totally rethink their way of working. One of these major transformations lies in the accelerated use of teleworking. This transition has been a matter of course for companies that were already prepared. While others have had to adapt considerably to accelerate their digital transformation. Today, digitalization is a priority for many companies.
The digitalization of companies
Digitalisation or digital transformation, refers to the transposition and adaptation of its offer and services on the Internet through the use of new digital technologies. It is a transformation into a digital version of an action that could be carried out in a physical way. The digitalisation of companies has accelerated with the covid 19 crisis. Although it had already begun in recent years.
Since the appearance of the Internet, New Information and Communication Technologies (NICT) have been pushing companies to regularly optimise their performance. These innovations are considerably transforming the use of consumers and employees. They offer infinite possibilities, both in terms of efficiency and customer engagement. There are a multitude of digital solutions to optimise working methods, task distribution, project management and everything else related to the smooth running of the company.
Today, it has become inevitable to digitise your company’s activity in order to perpetuate it. Especially in the unprecedented context of a pandemic. New acquisition channels, increased visibility, teleworking, new, more collaborative ways of working, companies are adapting to the current situation.
In a world where human contact is limited, teleworking is taking on an increasingly important role. Digitalised, companies are able to offer their employees a new way of working.
The democratisation of telework
Promoted in the 1970s, teleworking was not unanimously accepted in companies. Judged as an inefficient telework alternative, it was far from being a democratised practice. While the development of telework had been stagnating until recently. Its development accelerated sharply with the covid 19 epidemic and the ensuing containment measures. It has even become the preferred solution to enable many companies to survive during this period.
In order to implement telework, some companies have decided to review the way they operate. They have adopted more agile methods based on the use of new technologies, thanks to the digitalisation of processes and the emergence of numerous collaborative tools. Among the tools that have been put in place are communication, teleconferencing, document sharing and project management tools. In addition, this new way of working is accompanied by a new organisation of information and project management systems in all the company’s entities.
The techniques and methods resulting from this change are positive. They enable employees to optimise their working time and to work together despite the distance that separates them. According to some experts, teleworking will become the norm in many companies.
The digitalisation of processes and services is accelerating at a rapid pace. Thus, to meet the challenges of teleworking, companies must implement collaborative tools to gain agility. Many tools now exist to simplify the life of employees and organise their day productively.
High-performance digital tools (digitalization)
The rise in power of high-performance digital tools has made it possible to implement teleworking in companies. For telework to be efficient and profitable, companies must organise themselves to enable their employees to perform well. They must ensure that they maintain social links with all their employees by promoting collaborative work. To achieve this, collaborative tools make it possible to recreate a complete working environment. Thus, employees can continue to exchange information, monitor projects, organise meetings more easily and maintain links between them.
To adapt to teleworking, companies have adopted powerful digital online solutions such as Software-as-a-Service (SaaS). This is a software distribution model in which a third party provider hosts the applications. It makes them available to its customers via the Internet. The offer generally takes the form of a monthly subscription whose price is proportional to usage. Accessibility is one of the strong points of this model. Indeed, users can access these tools from any connected device and any geographical location. These 100% Cloud software solutions allow companies to completely outsource an aspect of their information system and treat it as an operating cost rather than an investment. They represent real assets to favour teleworking, while boosting the skills of remote teams.
In order to facilitate access to these solutions, companies like FinGo offer tailor-made financing solutions that enable companies to grow their business through technological innovation without this adversely affecting their cash flow.
The pandemic has disrupted the practices and organisation of many companies. Indeed, promoting teleworking actions, digitising tools as well as internal company processes are now at the centre of discussions. From now on, the challenge is to acquire a know-how in terms of digitalisation that will favour the activity and long-term success of any company.
At Fingo, we make a point of honour of the digital transformation of companies by offering tailor-made financing solutions.
At FinGO Solutions, we take the time to analyze your business needs. We work with you to develop a customized financing program. Let’s get started today! Simply call +41 22 994 77 16 to speak to a specialist or request a quote right here!
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