leasing IT services is the long-term rental of IT equipment. The lessee has an asset at his disposal for one or more years in return for the payment of a fixed monthly rent, specified in his contract. At the end of the contract, he can return the goods or take out a new contract depending on his company’s needs.
Thanks to this solution, companies can thus benefit from modern equipment and look forward to the growth of their business and their IT equipment with confidence.
Full asset management including recycling & Go for sustainable life cycle management of your technology assets

technological advantages

technological advantages
Get the technology you need to grow your business fast & benefit from optimised management and a consistent IT portfolio

Financial and economic benefits

Financial and economic benefits
You keep your cash for your core business & benefit from financial engineering that avoids investment peaks.
the advantages of leasing

Rent with FinGO
The computer parks in companies are often a source of problems. Indeed, hardware and software evolve at breakneck speed and machines quickly become obsolete. Hardware changes quickly become a headache and a financial drain for most organisations. It is only logical that IT leasing is an interesting and increasingly popular solution.
Your advantages:
- Avoid creating a financial abyss
- Keep your fleet always homogeneous
- Be on the cutting edge of technology at all times

Telework with FinGO
Beyond the administrative complexity of telework, its implementation can also be difficult because of the lack of equipment. Putting employees in the best possible working conditions helps to optimise trust and improve performance.
Your advantages :
- Build staff loyalty
- Generate productivity gains
- Accompany your employees in times of crisis

Secure your data with FinGO
Despite the reassuring messages about confidentiality, there are doubts about the sincerity of some Cloud platforms. In order to protect you from this, Fingo will help you finance your own servers.
Your advantages:
- Limit possible data loss
- Transfer your data faster
- Optimise the confidentiality of your data