IT leasing: everything you need to know about the long-term leasing of IT equipment
IT leasing: everything you need to know about the long-term leasing of IT equipment
In a society where the use of computer equipment is at the heart of all sectors of activity. Every company needs to operate a more or less vast computer park. However, this necessary acquisition of computer equipment represents a significant cost for companies. Today there are various solutions for investing in IT equipment without increasing operating costs. Leasing is the reference solution for financing IT equipment or technological assets.
IT leasing consists of the long-term rental of IT equipment. The lessee has an asset at his disposal for one or more years in return for the payment of a fixed monthly rent, specified in his contract. At the end of the contract, he can return the goods or take out a new contract depending on his company’s needs. This financing solution is particularly suitable for equipment that is subject to constant change and rapid obsolescence, such as computer equipment. Companies can thus benefit from modern equipment and look forward to the growth of their business and their IT assets with confidence.
Why is it better to rent your IT equipment? Financial advantages, technological advantages, homogenous IT equipment, outsourcing of IT management: let’s discover the main advantages of renting your IT equipment.
Financial and economic advantages
Modern and reliable equipment is a considerable advantage for a company. However, the costs associated with the acquisition and maintenance of computer equipment are often very high. Many companies do not have the necessary liquidity for this investment.
IT leasing makes it possible not to reduce the company’s investment capacity by avoiding investing in technological assets whose value is falling rapidly. Cash flow is thus preserved and the company’s funds remain available for its core business activities.
The rental model, with monthly invoicing, enables the company to control its costs by spreading them out over time. This predictability makes it easier to manage the company’s budget, allowing it to invest in more profitable activities or assets.
Leasing takes into account the residual value of the equipment. At the end of the leasing contract, when you need to renew your equipment, you will not have paid the full price. So the more frequently your equipment has to be renewed, the more attractive leasing appears to be from a financial point of view. In addition to smoothing your expenses over the year, you will also reduce your administrative management costs. As the rent is fully deductible from your tax result, it will be included in your overheads.
Thanks to IT leasing, the conditions and cost price are clearly defined from the outset. This gives you control over the entire operation and the company benefits from a high degree of flexibility thanks to leasing. In a sector that is highly exposed to technological developments and new trends such as IT, leasing is valuable.
Avantages technologiques
L’informatique est un milieu en constante évolution. La perte de valeur est considérable en raison des avancées technologiques et de l’évolution des besoins. La location longue durée est donc idéale pour ce type de matériel à forte obsolescence et à usage intensif.
En outre, louer son matériel offre la possibilité de renouveler régulièrement son parc informatique pour disposer de matériels de dernière génération sans pour autant déstabiliser ses finances. C’est également un excellent moyen de s’adapter aux besoins réels de l’entreprise. Si au cours de la période décidée, l’entreprise connaît un pic ou une baisse de productivité. Il est possible d’élargir ou de réduire son parc informatique. Les contrats de location étant évolutifs, ils vous permettent de remplacer votre matériel informatique au fur et à mesure de vos besoins ou de son obsolescence.
Le leasing du matériel informatique garantit au locataire que le matériel utilisé est moderne et adapté aux dernières évolutions. Les activités de l’entreprise peuvent être effectuées en toute sécurité, de façon fiable et sans incidents techniques.
Homogeneity of the computer park
Opting for rental also means ensuring a homogenous computer park. This is an advantage to be taken into account because the heterogeneity of the computer equipment, both hardware and software, leads to greater management complexity, communication problems and indirectly to poor user practices. In addition, obsolete IT infrastructures can cause many problems. By no longer functioning properly, the devices endanger the security of the company’s IT equipment. For example, updates that are not carried out can considerably slow down the company’s activity.
All these situations complicate the digitisation of companies and end up weighing on their profitability. By offering a homogenous and regularly updated fleet, the long-term rental of computer equipment therefore makes it possible to eliminate these internal incidents, which in the long term prove costly for the company’s finances. Access to equipment running new software or with better performance is a real gain in time and efficiency.
Expertise and outsourcing of fleet management
Leasing provides expertise from specialised professionals. Depending on your needs and expectations, IT leasing professionals will be able to give you the best advice on the hardware and technology required for your business.
Renting out your computer equipment also allows you to outsource the management of your computer equipment, which requires time and technical skills. An external service provider therefore manages the maintenance of the park. As an expert in his field, he will be able to provide you with technical assistance according to your needs. This allows you to concentrate your IT strengths and resources on productive and more profitable activities.
By facilitating the outsourcing of IT management, leasing allows you to control the total cost of ownership (TCO) of your IT assets over the long term and to reduce the hidden costs associated with the company’s ageing technological assets.
Nowadays, companies are constantly innovating to maintain their competitive edge. IT leasing is proving to be an interesting alternative. Companies benefit from a high-performance and modern IT park without impacting their cash flow. At Fingo Solutions we create, shape and model your own sustainable financing solution for your technology assets.
At FinGO Solutions, we take the time to analyze your business needs. We work with you to develop a customized financing program. Let’s get started today! Simply call +41 22 994 77 16 16 to speak to a specialist or request a quote right here !
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